Saturday, November 22, 2008


We had our first snow flurries on Tuesday. When I went into the kitchen to clean up the lunch dishes, I saw little white pellets hitting the black grill cover. Audrey was napping, but I called Mary to look out the window, and we went out on the deck to play in the snow. It only lasted a few minutes, but Mary said she realized that we actually live where it snows, rather than just visiting.

When I went out for the newspaper Friday morning, I thought the wet driveway meant it had rained during the night. Later I found out it had snowed, but melted before I got up. We have to wear all the clothes we own all at once, and we're resisting it. In Ft. Lauderdale, the girls wore sundresses and went barefoot year round. The entire state of North Carolina is teal on the newspaper's weather map. Teal! We never had any intention of living where the temperature got down to teal. South Florida is yellow right now. The HVAC guy said it occasionally gets down into single digits here. I think we'll be in Florida visiting the grandparents that week!

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