We got to eat a pineapple from our backyard before leaving South Florida.
If April showers bring May flowers, what do Mayflowers bring? Furniture!
We made it all the way to St. Augustine the first day, and spent the next morning sight-seeing.
Next stop was Savannah. Our hotel was in the historic district and had a pool on the roof. We all had a good time spashing around on the first afternoon. Day two, we explored the touristy shops along the river and met my high school friend Beverly and her goddaughter for lunch and a tour of the Juliette Gordon Low house. Mary got a special pin and patch to wear on her Brownie uniform that you can only get when you visit the house.
The next day was a long drive from Savannah to our new home. The movers came the next day. They unloaded pretty quickly and were done by 1:30. Here's Scott the human trash compactor.
Here's the kitchen on the first day. It looks better now. At least, all the boxes are out. There's still a lot of stuff on the counter because we haven't figured out where to put it. There are only two upper cabinets, and they only have two shelves each. We tried to get lumber cut at Home Depot to make more shelves, but their saw was broken.